Rachel Cook
Chief Executive
The Commissioner is supported by a small team working for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and other statutory duties.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) supports the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in his work.
The team helps the PCC to deliver the Police and Crime Plan and other statutory duties. An annual delivery plan is created to outline what the team will achieve in the coming year. As a result, work falls broadly into the following:
Our annual report will demonstrate what we achieved in the last financial year.
Our Equality Profile of OPCC staff can he found here.
Our Staff Structure and Salary information can be found here
We see this as “We challenge and drive the highest standards and aspirations for ourselves and others.”
We see this as“We put people first, acting with kindness and understanding to listen and respond.”
We see this as “We create an environment that empowers, facilitates, connects, and drives solutions.”
We see this as “We demonstrate the highest ethical standards to uphold reliability, transparency, honesty,
and respect.”
Rachel Cook
Chief Executive
Martyn Ransom
Chief Finance Officer
Richard Kendall
Head of Policy and Partnerships/ Violence Prevention Partnership Director
Paul Wainwright
Head of Assurance and Statutory Duties