You can make a written or verbal request to the OPCC asking for access to the personal information we hold on you. When making an Subject Access Request (SAR) to us please ensure the information you are asking for is held by the OPCC. It may be held by Humberside Police in which case you need to contact them directly as the OPCC has no access to police systems or data.
The Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) requires us to let you know what information is held about you, regardless of whether it is stored on computers or on paper.
If you are making the request for someone else, you should provide proof of ID and address for them (not for you). You will also need to provide evidence that you're allowed to make the request for them e.g. a signed letter of consent, a power of attorney document or proof of parental responsibility such as a birth or adoption certificate.
The OPCC should reply to you within one month, starting from the day we receive the SAR. We can extend the period by a further two months where requests are complex or numerous. To do this, we will inform you within one month of receipt of the request and explain why an extension is necessary.
Please use the form below to submit a Subject Access Request.