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Youth Justice

The statutory partners for Youth Justice Services in England as required under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, include:

1. Local Authorities – Responsible for children’s services, education, housing, and social care.

2. Police – Responsible for crime prevention, law enforcement, and youth crime intervention.

3. Probation Service – Works with young offenders transitioning to adulthood and those who commit serious offences.

4. Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) / Health Services – Provide mental health support, substance misuse services, and general healthcare.

These partners operate within a multi-agency framework and work together to provide tailored interventions, rehabilitation programs, and diversion strategies for young offenders. Other agencies, such as schools, voluntary organisations, and courts, also play a role in supporting youth justice efforts.

The Police and Crime Commissioner has committed to funding the four Youth Justice Services areas in the Humber region to assist the services in meeting their outcomes. 

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