Modern Slavery is an umbrella term for activities involved when one person obtains or holds another person in compelled service.
Modern slavery is a devastating crime, often hidden in plain sight. Exploiters profit from the misery of others by forcing them to work for little or no pay, restricting movement, withholding passports, bank cards and ID documents. Threats, control, and coercion are a common theme in modern slavery, playing on the disadvantage or desperation of others to illicit profit and gain. Trafficking for labour exploitation or sexual exploitation is a common theme across the United Kingdom and we are aware that the exploitation of children by organised crime groups for county lines has been on the rise.
The Humber Modern Slavery partnership coordinates the area’s response to modern slavery, bringing together organisations across the area. It is facilitated by the Wilberforce Institute, part of the University of Hull.
The Not In Our Community campaign, commissioned by the OPCC, includes child criminal exploitation as one of its themes. The campaign has resources for schools, parents and children to keep young people safe.