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Winterton - Shortlisted Projects

1 June 2023

Winterton - Shortlisted Projects

Update: Voting closed at 9am on Tuesday 30th May - Both shortlisted projects received a similar amount of votes and a decision has been made to fund both.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team in Winterton have focused attention on young people causing anti-social behaviour within the community. Their priority is to identify the youths responsible to steer them away from criminality towards positive life choices. The police have been working with partner agencies, schools and visiting parents/carers.

Anti-social behaviour remains an issue, particularly in the park areas within the town where young people gather and can sometimes cause concerns for the local community.  There is the need to provide positive outreach and diversionary activities to engage young people.

The Police and Crime Commissioner's Community Response Fund has shortlisted two projects which will address the issues identified and help reduce instances of anti-social behaviour in the town.

The two projects are the subject to a public vote with the project receiving the highest number of votes being awarded the funding. They are:

Get Inspired – Hull KR Foundation

The Get Inspired project will provide a range of multi-sport sessions to help engage around 40 young people in physical activity through Boxing, Rugby League and Fitness activities in Winterton over a period of 21 weeks. Nutritional guidance sessions will take place featuring the making of smoothies, to support vitamin replenishment and rehydration. 

The project will take delivery into the local community transporting portable equipment to the venues using the ‘Get Inspired’ Van (community parks, recreational grounds, green spaces, estates) located in Winterton. The project aims to attract a wide variety of participants from different local neighbourhoods and communities, making the activities accessible to a diverse range of young people in the area.

Success for the wider community will see less instances of crime and anti-social behaviour, and an increase in community engagement. There will be an increase in sports participation and community involvement, restoring pride within neighbourhoods. As a result of delivering this project participants and members of the community will have increased respect for each other.

Winterton Rocks – Arts Winterton

Winterton Rocks is an outreach programme which will go into spaces where young people hang out and offer them the opportunity to try something new in a relaxed and informal way, to curb their boredom and hopefully tap into some undiscovered musical talent!

Young people who engage with the outreach sessions will have an opportunity to further participate in a rock school and pop/rock choir singing group. There will also be opportunities to learn stage craft, Lighting and Sound Design and Stage Management by running a small concert so that those taking part can perform for family friends and the local community.

The project will work with young people aged 11 to 18, providing them with opportunities to learn to play instruments including drums, guitars and keyboards, as well as singing, like in School of Rock. The type of music learned and played will be driven by the young people taking part and there will be opportunities to learn song/music writing as well.

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