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White Ribbon Day – End Male Violence Against Women

24 November 2021

White Ribbon Day – End Male Violence Against Women

PCC staff members support White Ribbon

Today, 25th November, is White Ribbon Day. White Ribbon is a leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence and abuse against women.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside has recently gained accreditation from the charity for our commitment to ending male violence and abuse against women and girls. All our male staff members have received training to become White Ribbon Ambassadors, pledging to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence and abuse against women.

Recent events such as the murder of Sarah Everard in London and Libby Squire in Hull have brought women’s experience of male violence to the forefront of everyone’s minds.It has also encouraged more men to take action and make a stand to say ‘enough is enough’.   

Today, on White Ribbon Day, we pledge to increase our efforts to prioritise tackling violence against women and girls, exploring prevention and early intervention through education to treat the causes of violence, listening to and supporting victims and survivors, ensuring their views are included in decision-making, including women from the most marginalised sectors of society, and promising to never condone, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

PCC Jonathan Evison said: “I am sure that we all recognise there is no quick fix to end the violence and abuse by some men against women, but we must take shared responsibility in addressing and calling out violence, abuse and harassment of women and girls.

“We must start with addressing the perpetrators of this violence and abuse. We live in a society and culture where misogyny and sexism have for too long been tolerated, where girls and women are over-sexualised in the media and victims are wrongly often depicted as being somehow to blame for the crimes committed against them.

“It’s up to all men to look out for the signs of abuse and call it out, never to look the other way. We must all work to change this culture. Most violence against women is committed by men and it is important for all men to take responsibility for thinking about their own actions, promote respect and equality, and be prepared to call out harassing, sexist and violent behaviour when they see it in others.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse or violence at home please do not hesitate to seek support, our website has a number of local and national support lines that you can contact anonymously for help and advice. Click here for details 

For anyone needing support to address their own issues with violence or abuse, help and support are available here:

For more information on the White Ribbon Campaign visit

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