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What is Not In Our Community?

9 December 2021

What is Not In Our Community?

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Humberside has released a short film to explain the various ways that their local campaign to raise awareness of Child Exploitation, Not In Our Community, can be accessed. It follows recognition and acclaim for the programme at a national policing conference earlier this month.

Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison was one of just five Police and Crime representatives who had the opportunity to present to the conference and showcase innovative local practice to improve community safety and crime prevention. The Humberside presentation was later announced as the winner.

Introducing the campaign PCC Evison said: “Early Intervention is vital to provide young people and communities with the tools to protect themselves.

“With investment from my office, the Not In Our Community campaign has been developed into a multi-channelled way to raise awareness of child exploitation across the Humberside Police Force area. We have platforms with content aimed to raise awareness in young people and separate platforms with tailored messaging for parents, professionals and communities.

“We use innovative ways to engage with young people such as high impact, locally produced films where the viewer can choose what happens next, as well as music videos, animations, and interactive online learning.”

To find out more, watch the new ‘What is Not In Our Community?’ film below, which explains more about the campaign and how young people, parents, carers, teachers and professionals can all access and make the most of this Humber-focused campaign to raise awareness of child exploitation.

Visit for the full suite of campaign resources.

Everyone has a role to play in protecting our young people and any concerns should be reported to Humberside Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, all crime can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers’ Fearless campaign is available at - Young people can submit anonymous reports online and the site provides non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality specifically for young people.

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