The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Humberside, have commissioned a pilot study to look at how best to support Schools to reduce the harmful impact of trauma.
Findings from the report indicate promising outcomes, with reports of a shared understanding of trauma and trauma-informed practice beginning to develop, helping create a more supportive environment for staff. This initiative highlights the pressing need to bridge public health, education, and violence prevention strategies. By equipping educational professionals with the necessary tools to respond to and prevent re-traumatisation, we edge closer to effectively supporting children and young people across the Humber area. These practices potentially contribute to mitigating the impact of childhood trauma and offsetting some of the more negative consequences of this.
Research has previously established a link between childhood trauma and the long-term effects on health and education but this report offers unique insights into the valuable support staff can offer young people and the impact of dealing with trauma.
This project focuses on the use of a trauma-informed approach within education, emphasising the role schools can play in creating a relational response to address and improve the wellbeing of children and young people. Whilst this benefits all children and young people, it can have most significant impact on children affected by trauma and those with Special Educational Needs (SEND).
The OPCC's pilot consisted of three strands; firstly, whole school staff training, secondly, support and supervision for staff and thirdly, a review of policies to ensure system changes were embedded. Carried out in two Hull schools, the pilot worked with teaching staff and a local therapeutic provider to train and support staff to adopt a trauma-informed approach that meets the emotional wellbeing needs of students.
The collaboration with the University of Hull has produced an insightful evaluation centred around the impact of the Trauma-Informed training package, aligned with a review of school policies to better integrate trauma-informed principles.
Trauma-informed education is not merely a supportive strategy, but a vital component in crafting resilient futures.
The benefits observed call for a concerted effort by education authorities and policymakers to consider the integration of these approaches across the Humber area, offering constructive paths forward for children and communities affected by trauma.
Jonathan Evison, Police and Crime Commissioner said “I am really pleased to have worked with the University to conduct this vital research and to see the benefits of a trauma-informed approach. I look forward to seeing this develop and for more schools to take this approach in future.”