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Recruitment of new Chief Constable - Independent Panel Member

27 April 2023

Recruitment of new Chief Constable - Independent Panel Member

As of 10th May 2023 - This position has now been filled

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside (PCC) is recruiting for a new Chief Constable for Humberside Police.

As part of that process, we are seeking an experienced individual to act as an independent member of our appointment panel. You should be suitably experienced in selection and assessment practices to determine the extent to which the appointment process is conducted in line with the principles of merit, fairness and openness*.

The role will require you to:

  • be suitability experienced and competent in assessment and selection practices
  • undertake appropriate briefing/assessor training
  • be aware and have an understanding of the needs and interests of Humberside Police and the local community
  • in collaboration with the PCC and other panel members, shortlist and assess applicants against the agreed appointment criteria and consider which candidates most closely meet the appointment criteria
  • produce a written report on the appointment process, to be submitted to the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) at the same time as the name of the preferred appointee, expressly and explicitly addressing the appointment principles of merit, fairness and openness and the extent to which the panel was able to fulfil its purpose (e.g., to challenge and test that the candidate meets the necessary requirements to perform the role).

As an independent member, you should have an understanding of local, national and strategic needs and interests. We encourage applications from, for example; Magistrates, Chief Executives of local authorities, representatives of community organisations, local business leaders or key stakeholders from existing partnership arrangements, however this is not a prescriptive list.

The independent panel member should not be the PCC, a member of the PCC’s staff, a PCP member, a member of Parliament, local councillor, serving or retired police officer or member of police staff, civil servant, HMICFRS staff, IOPC commissioner/staff or College of Policing staff.

Remuneration: Day rate of £500 +VAT (anticipated commitment of 3 - 4 days)

You will need to be available to support the process on the following dates / times;

Time for document review – w/c 8th May – max 1.5 hours

15th June – unknown timeframe likely min half day

27th June - unknown timeframe likely min half day

Report writing completed by Friday 14th July

If you would like to help us find the next leader of Humberside Police, contact Rachel Cook, OPCC Chief Executive on   

*The legal requirements and principles for the appointment of Chief Constables is set out in Home Office circular 013/2018. Read more at

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