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Policing and Crime Survey September 2022

5 September 2022

Policing and Crime Survey September 2022

When I was elected last year as your Police and Crime Commissioner I published a survey to gather public opinions on crime, anti-social behaviour and the services offered to victims of crime. Your responses helped to shape the objectives in my Police and Crime Plan.

As your local representative on policing and community safety. It's my job to work on your behalf to ensure Humberside Police provide an effective and efficient police force, and both support and hold the Chief Constable to account for their performance. My office also commissions other services to improve community safety and support victims of crime.

I pledged to engage regularly with the public and local communities both rural and urban to understand your views, and one year on I’d like to know if progress has been made so I’m running the survey again.

It’s your opportunity to have YOUR say on crime and anti-social behaviour where you live, your experience of reporting it and the response you received, good or bad, and how satisfied you are with the agencies responsible for dealing with it.

It is anonymous and you won't be asked for any personal information that will identify you. 

Please take ten minutes of your time to complete the survey, which closes at midday on Friday 21st October. I look forward to hearing your views. Thank you.

Jonathan Evison

Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside

The survey has now closed - Click here to read the results and a comparison to our 2021 survey

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