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Police Funding Survey 2022/23

22 December 2021

Police Funding Survey 2022/23

The Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Jonathan Evison, is asking residents to give their views about police funding in an online survey. Here is the Commissioner's statement which launched the survey on 22nd December. Please read the statement in full before taking the survey.

This is a statutory consultation which means that the Government has imposed a duty on Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to consult the public about how much is added to Council Tax bills to contribute towards the costs of ensuring Humberside Police can operate effectively.

The way the police service is funded, and how available funds are spent, providing the day to day emergency, neighbourhood and investigative services we all rely upon, is extremely detailed. Add to this the capital investment in the future of policing through such things as vehicles, computer systems and buildings to ensure the service can continue to improve, and the picture becomes even more complex. Around 70% of police funding comes from central Government and the rest is raised through a portion of your Council Tax known as the Policing Precept. The Government made its police funding announcement on 16th December and you can read it here, the figures quoted in the announcement assume that PCC’s will take full advantage of raising the precept by the equivalent of £10 on a Band D property.

PCC Jonathan Evison said: “When I was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner in May 2021 Humberside Police had already made a significant investment in increasing the number of police officers to around 600 more than the low point in 2016. When we include the Government’s additional uplift there are now 2,100 officers in the force, the highest number for a decade and communities have told me they are seeing improvements in the service. There is improved visibility of officers, a much-improved 101 call service and a desire to improve the force even further. There are still challenging savings targets to be met and I will be working with the Chief Constable to ensure we deliver an effective service to our residents and meet our targets without disruption to the service.

“Policing is not just about officers, our civilian staff are equally as important to the running of the service, whether as PCSOs, custody officers, control room call handlers or a myriad of other roles dedicated to keeping you safe. I am always told by the public that they want to see more officers and a fast response by the police when you need them, I do not want the force to move backwards from the excellent improvements that have been made in recent years.

“For the next financial year in 2022/23, if we are to maintain the current number of police officers and stay on track with our improvements, I will need to make a small annual increase to the policing precept of your Council Tax of £9.99, equivalent to 19p per week on a Band D property. That is my preferred option but I would like to hear your views. The financial arrangements are complex so I have set my three proposals based on police officer numbers. 

Option 1: An increase of £4.99 per year (10p per week) on a Band D property, which would mean police officer numbers would decrease by around 28.

Option 2: An increase of £9.99 per year (19p per week) on a Band D property, which would mean police officer numbers would remain the same.

Option 3: An increase of £14.99 per year (29p per week) on a Band D property, which would mean police officer numbers increase by around 28. This option would require a public referendum.

“The majority of properties within the Humberside Police area are in lower Council Tax bands than D, on which the Government bases its financial forecasts. 34% of households are in Band A , 21% in Band B and 16% in Band C so, for the vast majority, the proposed increases are smaller. Any increase is unwelcome in these challenging times but for just a few pence per week we can maintain the number of police officers and continue the improvement in Humberside Police that will benefit everyone and keep us safe.

“In this survey I am asking if you would support an increase in council tax precept in line with the below amounts, and which of the three options you prefer, or whether you prefer no increase at all. You will also be asked which areas of policing are the most important to you. If you choose Option 1 or no increase, could you also please indicate the area of policing you feel should be reduced as a consequence. Thank you for taking the time to give me your views.”

Jonathan Evison - Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside

The survey closed on Monday 24th January 2022 - Results were:

Total responses:1,209

80% of respondents were in favour of an increase, 73% were in favour of an increase of £9.99 per annum or more. The full results can be viewed here.

The Commissioner's proposals for a precept increase of £9.99 per year on a Band D property were approved unanimously by the Humberside Police and Crime Panel on 3rd February 2022 

Residents can check which council tax band their property is in at:  

£9.99 Increase
Property Band 2022/23 £ Increase Per Year Increase Per Week
A 168.80 6.66 0.13
B 196.93 7.77 0.15
C 225.07 8.88 0.17
D 253.20 9.99 0.19
E 309.47 12.21 0.23
F 365.73 14.43 0.28
G 422.00 16.65 0.32
H 506.40 19.98 0.38
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