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New Driffield patrol team starts work

30 June 2023

New Driffield patrol team starts work

When setting the budget and this year's police precept, PCC Jonathan Evison agreed a commitment from the Chief Constable to return a 24-hour police response team to Driffield in East Yorkshire, this is now taking shape and an additional 12 police officers and two sergeants have started to be posted to Driffield.

The aim of this new patrol base is to extend the response policing capability into our more rural communities that have had different concerns and perhaps have felt neglected due to a focus on larger urban locations for several years.

The response function will work much closer with the neighbourhood policing team in a hybrid role to be able to enhance and improve the service Humberside Police delivers.

Ultimately, the goal is to create much safer and stronger rural communities, and it is important that those who live in these communities do not feel isolated from the wider services already delivered across the force area.

The focus will be on delivering an outstanding police response to incidents within these communities, whilst also aligning this with a preventative, reassuring and diversionary approach in close collaboration with the neighbourhood policing model.

One of the new Sergeants, Zoe Messenger said: “I come from a response and neighbourhood background, so being able to lead a new team which encompasses both is an exciting prospect, and I can see the impact it will have in Driffield.

“The rural areas of Driffield are already being well supported by the Rural Task Force, so we will be working alongside this team to further support their work and ensuring all officers are wildlife trained to confidently identify and deal with any offences within this area.

“Over the coming weeks, I will be working closely with the current neighbourhood team, who have already built up a good relationship with the local community, to understand the current issues, concerns, and priorities in the area.

“I’ll also be carrying our regular foot patrols to speak directly to local residents and update them on the development of the new team in their community.

“I’ll also be available at the upcoming Driffield Show to introduce myself and answer any questions they may have, so make sure to come and say hello!”

Jenna Jones is also going to be posted to the new Driffield team as a Sergeant. She’s recently received a High Sheriff award for outstanding service to our force, and the wider communities of East Riding of Yorkshire. Jenna added: “Having a neighbourhood and patrol background, as well as being the founding Sergeant of our Rural Task Force also based in Driffield, I have specialist experience in this area of policing.

“I’m looking forward to returning to Driffield as one of the Neighbourhood Rural Response Team Sergeants and aim to complement and support our local neighbourhood policing and rural task force teams, providing 24-hour patrol.

“I’m keen to get going and start working with our partners and community, collaborating on problem-solving for crime prevention, and target those that cause harm, crime and fear of crime.”

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