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Grants Awarded from PCC Community Safety Fund

6 October 2022

Grants Awarded from PCC Community Safety Fund

The Community Safety Fund launched by Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison earlier this year has awarded its first round of grants for community projects totalling almost half a million pounds.

Round one of the fund was launched in May and saw 28 applications for projects shortlisted. A total of £366,000 has been allocated to these projects which are based right across the Humber region including:    

  • CCTV and security improvements to community assets.
  • Support for victims of Domestic Abuse.
  • Diversionary activities for young people through a number of sport and creative programmes.
  • Measures to reduce rural crime.
  • Preventing older people from being the victims of scams and providing support for those that have been victims.

A further five projects are being taken forward through the new Humber Violence Prevention Partnership – an additional investment of around £104,000. This takes the total to around £470,000. The partnership, which consists of local agencies working together to tackle violent crime, was launched recently following a three-year funding award from the Home Office.   

More details of the successful projects will be announced shortly. The second round of applications closed this week with a very positive response and are now being assessed.

Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison said: “We have had an excellent response to our funding programme with some outstanding project ideas coming forward. I’m looking forward to seeing them take shape so we can work with communities to cut crime and anti-social behaviour and make our neighbourhoods safer.”

Click here for more information on the Community Safety Fund

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