It has now been one month since I was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for the Humber area and it has certainly been a very busy first few weeks. I aim to be as outgoing and communicative as possible in my role so this will be the first of a regular blog to keep you updated on my work. During the election campaign it was clear to me that many people did not understand the role of a PCC so I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and explain how I aim to make a difference during my time in office.
The most important thing to remember is that I am not in charge of Humberside Police, which is the job of the Chief Constable. I am elected to be the public’s representative on policing matters, I work on behalf of all our residents and communities to ensure you receive an effective and efficient police service by holding the Chief Constable to account for the performance of the force. I am responsible for the policing budget, of which around 70% comes from the Government and the rest from the portion you pay in your council tax. My office also commissions a number of services to help cut crime, improve community safety and provide support for victims of crime.
Before my election I had a good working knowledge of the role of PCC in my position as Chair of the Humberside Police and Crime Panel, which oversees the work of the Commissioner. I strongly supported the work carried out by my predecessor which saw Humberside Police go from being rated as ‘inadequate’ by HM Inspectors in 2015, to one of the most improved forces in the country today. The force is in a far better place than it was back then and has an outstanding Chief Constable in Lee Freeman, but there is still work to do and I aim to continue that good work and help the force to become outstanding.
I have several priorities that have been developed throughout my campaign. I want to ensure that our rural and urban communities feel the same levels of trust and confidence in our police service. Create opportunities to support our young people through education to help safeguard them being impacted by crime. We need to work collectively to address the societal issue of violence against women and girls. Look at what more we can do to improve the safety of our roads for all users. Consider how we reduce the impact of drugs on our communities and reduce those that are victim of high harm offences that cause most damage.
One of my first major tasks is to write and issue my Police and Crime Plan, setting out my objectives for the coming three years which the Chief Constable must bear in mind when making his operational plans. This is an important document and as your representative I want you, the public of this area, to tell me what your priorities are in policing and community safety. I’ll soon be issuing a consultation survey for you to have your say. It will be published on my website and through as many channels as possible. Please take the time to participate in the survey and together we can help build safer and stronger communities for everyone.
Jonathan Evison
(Picture courtesy of James Hardisty - The Yorkshire Post)
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