The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, Jonathan Evison, has today published his Police and Crime Plan, the strategic document which sets out the objectives for his term of office over the next four years and how he will work with the police and other partners to achieve them.
The Chief Constable of Humberside Police must have regard to the aims of the Plan when setting the operational aims of the force.
The Plan was developed after wide consultation with the public, their elected representatives and numerous organisations – including Humberside Police, local councils and other organisations with a statutory role in community safety; community and voluntary sector organisations; and representatives of the business community. In developing the plan, the PCC has also taken into account other organisations’ plans, government policy and the latest data about the local area.

The Police and Crime Plan contains several key objectives, including:
- Greater trust and confidence in the police across urban, rural and coastal areas and in all communities
- Reduced harm to young people being affected by crime and community safety issues
- Residents and businesses supported to respond to crime and community safety issues
- More funding and resources for the Humber region
- Innovative approaches to community safety
- Safer roads for all users
Jonathan Evison said: “When I was re-elected in May to be your local representative on policing and community safety, I pledged to strengthen the connection with local communities, rural, coastal and urban. My team and I have done a lot of hard work over the last 3 years and I am keen for that to continue.
“Over the summer, I launched a consultation to find out the public’s priorities to make our communities safer. Nuisance anti-social behaviour (ASB), burglary, dangerous driving and road related offences were the highest ranked by our communities. We will now work hard to tackle these issues to ensure our residents can be and feel safe. We have already launched a bespoke ASB survey after the results of this consultation to better understand how this affects our communities.
“Part of my role is to hold Humberside Police to account for their performance on behalf of the public. The force have made great improvements in recent years and in 2024 were given an ‘outstanding’ grade for the second time by the inspectorate. I will both support and challenge the Chief Constable to achieve that aim and for Humberside Police to deliver the best service possible to our residents.
“The Plan I have set will require a great deal of hard work and determination, but I am confident that together we can rise to the challenge and make great progress for our communities.”
Jonathan Evison outlines his key objectives for the new four years (Youtube Video)