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Commissioner launches improved support service for people affected by crime.

19 March 2024

Commissioner launches improved support service for people affected by crime.

Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner, Jonathan Evison, is launching a new ‘Affected by Crime’ service and website to improve the local support for victims and their families.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner have commissioned Victim Support to deliver a new service to support victims and people affected by crime in the Humber Region. The Affected by Crime service launches on 1st April and will offer support and guidance for people in the region who have been affected by crime.

The service will be provided by Victim Support, an independent charity dedicated to supporting people affected by crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. The new service can be accessed by anyone affected by crime – including victims and their families - in Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire – whether or not the crime has been reported to police.

The new service represents an investment of £2million over the next four years and and, as with all commissioned victims services, is dedicated to supporting the rights of victims, in line with the Victims Code of Practice. It comes as the Victims and Prisoners Bill, landmark legislation for victims, makes its way through Parliament. It is supported by a new website, that is designed to guide people through the criminal justice system and help them connect to the support services available to them - all details about how to contact the service will be available on the website. 

Jonathan Evison, the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner said: “I have listened to victims of crime and commissioned this new service in response to what they told me are their needs and expectations after being affected by crime. Accessibility, inclusion and equality are at the heart of the new service which strengthens the local support for people affected by crime.”

Debbie Harding, Victim Support Area Manager for Humberside, South Yorkshire and North Yorkshire said:

“We are thrilled to be delivering this much needed support for victims of crime in the Humber region. Our specialist service will see caseworkers who understand the local area based throughout the community, tailoring support to people’s individual needs. As an independent charity victims can access our services regardless of whether or not they have reported to the police. We look forward to working with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and alongside other local services, to deliver the best possible support to victims.”

Until 1st April, victims of crime can access support from Victim Support by calling 0300 303 1976 or by visiting Victims of domestic abuse and sexual crimes will continue to receive dedicated support from independent sexual or domestic violence advocates.

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