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Commissioner invests £3.6m into Community Safety Partnerships

6 December 2022

Commissioner invests £3.6m into Community Safety Partnerships

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, Jonathan Evison, has announced new funding arrangements for local partnerships to improve community safety, cut crime and anti-social behaviour and support victims of crime.

Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) exist in all four areas of the Humber region, North and North East Lincolnshire, the East Riding of Yorkshire and the City of Hull. They bring together local Councils, the Police, Fire & Rescue Service and other agencies, their task is to work together to reduce crime, disorder, substance misuse and reoffending.

Each CSP has provided a business case to the Commissioner to set out their priorities over the next three years, which reflect the aims of the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan. A total of £3.6m has been allocated until March 2025 to assist these plans and give partnerships more support for longer-term planning. Each partnership has been granting funding based on population, geographical size and recorded crime levels. In addition to the planned activities, the funding will contribute to their capacity to drive forward each local partnership and improve their capacity for data analysis, which will help them respond to emerging crime and community safety issues. CSPs will also have access to an annual Projects Fund to support them to tackle emerging issues and work on collaborative projects.

The proposed work to be carried out by the Community Safety Partnerships includes: *     


An ASB Victims Champion Service to provide support for vulnerable victims of anti-social behaviour

Training programs to prevent violence against women and girls

North East Lincolnshire

Support for high-risk victims of domestic abuse

North Lincolnshire

A monthly anti-social referral panel for victims and offenders 

Operation Fairway – A targeted enforcement initiative against rural crime

East Riding of Yorkshire

Diversionary activities for young people

Support for Neighbourhood Watch Groups

*A full list of CSP proposals is attached.

Jonathan Evison said: “Partnership working is vital to achieve the aims of my Police and Crime Plan, reducing crime and anti-social behaviour and building safer communities can never be achieved by agencies working in isolation. Community Safety Partnerships bring together all organisations to find joint solutions and this three-year commitment will enable them to have more stability to establish programmes that will make a positive difference for all communities.”

Tracy Harsley, Chair of Hull CSP said: “Safer Hull welcomes the significant investment being made by the Police & Crime Commissioner.  The relationship goes beyond funding and we will continue to work with the PCC’s team to deliver our own Community Safety Strategy that is fully integrated into the Commissioners own Police and Crime Plan”

Chief Superintendent Matthew Peach, Chair of North and North East Lincolnshire CSPs said: “As a partnership we are grateful for the PCC giving the CSP the three-year commitment to ensure we take robust action to tackle crime and disorder and ensure the area remains a safe place to live, work and visit.  The partnership is very active and this funding will allow for great initiatives to reduce crime and the fear of crime in this area.”

Chief Superintendent Christine Wilson, Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire CSP said: "The Police and Crime Commissioner’s funding is evidence of the continuation of investment into supporting multi-agency approaches to crime-reduction and community safety initiatives across the East Riding of Yorkshire and the Humber. The fund will underpin new and creative initiatives that support tackling crime together as responsible partners. The Community Safety Partnership support fund will allow the East Riding to continue to be in a positive position to tackle future challenges at a local level and ensure the East Riding remains a safe place to live and work."

Financial Breakdown

CSP Support Fund (£) CSP Projects Fund (£)
Hull East Riding NE Lincs N Lincs Humber-wide
2022/23 286,284 252,171 181,914 171,987 297,452
2023/24 292,010 257,214 185,552 175,427 297,452
2024/25 297,850 262,358 189,263 178,935 297,452

Summary of CSP proposals

1 ASB Victims Champion Service Independent voice for vulnerable victims of ASB. The post will also assess community triggers, providing impartiality.
2 Crime Prevention Campaigns/Marketing Co-ordinated partnership campaigns linked to the CSP’s key outcomes.
3 Serious Violence Duty To support the development of a Serious Violence Needs Assessment and the delivery of the Serious Violence strategy.
4 Bystander Intervention/VAWG Training programmes - 5 x 90/100 minutes interactive online sessions for people working within the relevant environment / night-time economy, plus training of trainers.
5 Place Based Tasking/OSARA/POP Partnership training (including train the trainer) on problem-solving in support of integrated tasking model.
6 Data & Intelligence To support the development of a data sharing platform and navigating data ethics, building on current working group.
7 Domestic Homicide Review Contingency allocation for commissioning DHRs.
8 Setting up Home Financial support for essential household items for those setting up home after leaving prison.
9 Community Collaboration Replacement of DISC system, to co-ordinate programmes like Neighbourhood Watch, Shop Watch, Pub Watch etc. Integrates with the ECINS case management module.
10 CSP Pod Costs To enable relocation of the CSP Pod around communities.
North East Lincolnshire
1 Independent domestic violence advocate (IDVA) Providing frontline support to high-risk victims of domestic abuse.
2 MARAC Coordinator Acts as the central point of contact for agencies involved in the MARAC process, and maintains administration of the MODUS system, for distribution and recording of MARAC information.
3 MARAC database Central collection point for recording MARAC information.
North Lincolnshire
1 ASB Researcher and ASB Panel Monthly ASB Panel takes referrals for victims and offenders. ASB Researcher provides background analysis and maintains database of outcomes offenders and victims.
2 ASB Victim Support Additional support for high risk victims, including target hardening.
3 Rural Crime Initiative Operation Fairway, a targeted enforcement initiative against rural crime.
4 Town Centre Initiatives Activities to reduce crime and ASB, including community engagement, expansion of Nite Safe, radio provision, diversionary activities and NTE enforcement activity.
5 VAWG Spiking kits, posters and safety products; training and engagement incl conference.
6 Neighbourhood Watch Development Provision of training to NHW coordinators to support expansion of the scheme. Celebration of success in 40th year.
7 Community Engagement Crime Prevention Delivery of community events & attendance at others; distribution of crime prevention products.
8 Positive Lifestyles/Hidden Harm Continuation of existing programme providing support to young people vulnerable to substance abuse, and youth diversion. Managed by YJP.
East Riding
1 Fairway Process Delivery of the Fairway Process for responding to ASB.
2 Neighbourhood Watch Delivery of support to Neighbourhood Watch groups across the East Riding.
3 Positive Lifestyles Diversionary activities for young people in Beverley, Withernsea, Bridlington, Goole and Haltemprice.
4 Safer East Riding (Integrated) Partnership Partners will work together to tackle the issues most effecting the community using the same problem-solving methodology across the county.
5 CSP CE/Crime Prevention/Marketing To provide engagement, information and advice and guidance to local communities through a series of engagement events across the East Riding.
6 ECINS Implementation of a software platform that allows for better multi-agency information sharing.
7 Setting Up Homes Fund Financial support for essential household items for those setting up home after leaving prison.
8 DHR Contingency Contingency allocation for commissioning Domestic Homicide Reviews.
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