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Commissioner announces round 5 of the Community Safety Fund

12 August 2024

Commissioner announces round 5 of the Community Safety Fund

Following the recent success of the Community Safety Fund (CSF), the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is pleased to announce an additional £350,000 of funding to enable the launch of Round 5. This takes the overall investment committed to the Community Safety Fund to £1.85m.

Round 5 of the fund is focused on the purchase and installation of equipment and assets that will support the reduction of crime and improvement in community safety, for projects to complete by 31 March 2025.

The CSF can provide funding of between £500 and £35,000 towards projects that meet the scheme criteria and are led by voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises or town and parish councils.

The focus for this round will include projects and activities as below:

  • Purchase of equipment / assets which facilitate activities that will:
    • divert people from crime or antisocial behaviour taking place in the local area
    • support people who may be particularly at risk of becoming victims of crime, or have previously been victims of crime
  • Measures / minor work to improve the security of community buildings or assets e.g. security measures, fencing, CCTV, alarm systems etc.
  • Measures to improve the safety of outdoor public spaces e.g. CCTV installation, fencing etc

PCC Jonathan Evison said "We have seen a tremendous impact from the £1.5m of investments made to date through four rounds of the Community Safety Fund since its launch in May 2022. That is why I am so pleased to announce a further £350,000 of funding to support community projects across the Humber through Round 5 of the grant scheme.

I look forward to seeing a range of projects come forward that will improve the safety and security of our local communities, community assets and public spaces.”

Applications to the PCC’s Community Safety Fund can be made via our online grants portal. To start an application, please follow the prompts to register for a free user account from the homepage.

The deadline for applications is 07 October 2024 at 23:59

All potential applicants are encouraged to read the Application Guidance document that is available here before starting their application as some of the eligibility criteria has changed since previous rounds and some activities many no longer be eligible for funding support.  There are also some additional requirements around seeking quotations and changes to match funding levels for those that have accessed the scheme previously.

For more information, visit the Community Safety Fund webpage

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