We are pleased to announce our Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Summit to be held in March 2024, hosted by the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison.
The summit is being held to bring together key members of organisations who are affected by ASB in Hull, Northern Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire to identify options to tackle the problem.
We will have guest speakers providing information on academic studies, lived experience and practical applications, along with opportunities for key networking, collaboration and workshops to look at implementation within your business and organisations.
Guest speakers including Victims' Commissioner Baroness Helen Newlove, Jim Nixon from the Community Safety Podcast, ONGO Housing and Academia from Sheffield University. We will also be covering Immediate Justice for ASB and Hotspot Policing. An interactive event where you can make a difference to your Community.
Please save the following details:
- Date: Tuesday 5th March 2023 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Location: Melton 2 Conference Room, Humberside Police, Wyke Way, North Ferriby, East Yorkshire HU14 3DG
Please register your interest by email to PCC@humberside.pnn.police.uk
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to reduce the impact of ASB on our Communities.