To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women this Thursday 25th November, nineteen different agencies across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire have come together to agree a shared approach to tackling violence Against Women and Girls. The partners include Humberside Police, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, all four Council Authorities, Safeguarding Services, the University of Hull, the Probation Service and support agencies for those affected by violence and abuse.
An event was held in July, jointly hosted by Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison and Humberside Police, to examine what work is already ongoing, identify joint working opportunities and agree a shared approach to reducing violence.
A recent interim report by HM Inspectors called for radical action to tackle the ‘stark and shocking’ level of violence against women and girls and urged police forces and partner agencies to build on current momentum to improve the service and support offered to those affected by these crimes, and enhance their capability and capacity to pursue and disrupt adult perpetrators of violent offences to reduce and prevent the harms they are causing. 1
In the Humber region, we rank fifth nationally for numbers of recorded domestic abuse, with around 75% of the total number of offences being against women.2 Nationally, annual data from the last two Crime Surveys for England and Wales, shows that women are the victims of 84% of all sexual offences, rising to 90% of all reported offences of rape.3
It is recognised that there is no quick fix to end the violence but that we must take shared responsibility in addressing and calling out violence, abuse and harassment of women and girls.
All agencies involved have agreed a number of pledges including; working together to prioritise tackling violence against women and girls, exploring prevention and early intervention through education to treat the causes of violence, listening to and supporting victims and survivors, ensuring their views are included in decision-making, including women from the most marginalised sectors of society, and promising to never condone, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.
PCC Jonathan Evison said: “Violence and abuse in all its forms will not be tolerated. We must all be prepared, on a partnership basis, to prioritise tackling violence against women and girls which is one of the key priorities in my Police and Crime Plan.
“We must start with addressing the perpetrators of this violence and abuse. We live in a society and culture where misogyny and sexism have for too long been tolerated, where girls and women are over-sexualised in the media and victims are wrongly often depicted as being somehow to blame for the crimes committed against them.
“This has to change, we need to focus on the perpetrators of this violence, those committing domestic abuse, sexual offences and harming our children. There is already good work happening across our area, but there is much more still to do.
“By bringing our efforts together I am convinced we can go further. Now is the time for us all to act in partnership, in committing to focusing on perpetrators and tackling this epidemic of violence against women and girls, and I hope we will continue to take important steps towards that.”
See accompanying poster for details of all agencies involved in the partnership.
- 1 HMICFRS report
- 2 Using Humberside Police recorded data.
- 3 Source: Office of National Statistics
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