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Make a complaint

Please select from the following options who you want to complain about: 

Please visit Humberside Police to submit your complaint.

Please visit Police & Crime Panel to submit your complaint.

Complaints about OPCC Staff

It’s important to fully understand the nature of your complaint in order that we can resolve it for you, learn from mistakes and improve our practices. Please provide us with the following information:

Complaints against the Chief Constable

The PCC is the Appropriate Authority to deal with complaints about the Chief Constable. But it’s important to understand that the OPCC is only the appropriate authority when a complaint is about the Chief Constable’s personal actions; that is where the Chief Constable has had direct personal involvement in the matters you raise.

 For your complaint to be assessed, we’ll need to know:

        What specifically is your allegation – what did the Chief Constable personally say or do?

        What were the circumstances and when did it happen?

        What impact has it had on you?  What was your involvement in what happened?

Once we have this information, your complaint will be assessed and dealt with in line with statutory guidance from the IOPC.  You’ll be updated throughout the process and advised of any right to review when the complaint is concluded.

A complaint against the Chief Constable cannot be used as a mechanism to escalate an existing complaint about the Force, or to have a previously concluded complaint about the Force reviewed.

We’ll take steps to resolve and where appropriate, investigate your complaint.  Once this is concluded, you’ll be informed of the outcome, along with a clear rationale as to how and why that decision’s been reached.  You’ll also be advised of your right of appeal to the IOPC if you disagree with the outcome.  

What happens to the information in my submission form?

The information you provide on this form will be entered onto our secure system.  The content of this form and details of your review may be shared with Humberside Police and the IOPC.

For information about how we handle your personal information, please read our privacy notice HERE 

Submitting your complaint about the Chief Constable

Please complete the form below. Once completed, press the submit button and the form will be received by the appropriate manager at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside. 

Section 1 – About You

Are you a current serving Police Officer or Police Staff member for Humberside Police?

Section 2 – About Your Complaint about the Chief Constable

Section 3 - Confirmation

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