Domestic Abuse – You Are Not Alone
Domestic abuse is a pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, it is the misuse of power and control by one person over another. It is never acceptable, and services are here to help.
If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police. If you can’t speak, press 55 on your mobile or remain silent on your landline while the operator is on the line.
If you choose to leave an abusive relationship this can often be a dangerous time. Abusers may feel they are losing the control in the relationship which may put you at an increased risk of abuse – it is important you get support and safety planning advice first.
Please click on the area you live to access local support.
Support Where You Live
Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership: 01482 318 759 - To access support online
Hull Women’s Aid: 01482 446099 - To access live chat
Preston Road Women’s Centre: 01482 790310
Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH) 01482 448879 option 4
If out of hours, please contact: Emergency Duty Team 01482 300304
What happens if you contact Hull’s Domestic Abuse Partnership?
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, contact us in confidence at the domestic abuse partnership (DAP) for help on 01482 318 759.
For help and support access the Hull Domestic Abuse Partnership website
If you are calling from the local area the telephone number does not appear on your bill. If you use a mobile phone the number does show up on your statement and in your dialled numbers list unless you delete it. If we ring you, our number does not show up on your phone.
You will be allocated a support worker who will talk with you in confidence, and discuss what to do next. This could include discussing how we can take action to improve your safety and your children's safety, how we can take action against abusers, and find you emergency temporary accommodation if needed.
If you can't visit our offices to meet with your support worker (for example, if you have a physical disability) we can visit you at home if it is safe to do so, or arrange to meet you at a more convenient location.
The DAP also offer -
- legal advice and support throughout the criminal justice system and in attending the solicitors or court
- housing advice and support, this could include increasing security measures for you if you want to remain in your home or if it becomes too dangerous to remain in your home, there are options available (e.g. emergency accommodation)
- benefits advice
- referral to specialist support for children and young people
- referral to health, drug and alcohol services
In an emergency, call 999. The Police take domestic violence seriously and can take action against abusers.
Links for support:
Prevention of domestic abuse service
Domestic abuse - Supporting adults
Domestic abuse - support for children and young adults
Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership (DVAP) Operational Team 01482 396368
East Riding of Yorkshire Council Safeguarding Adults Team (SAT) 01482 396940
East Riding Children's Safeguarding Hub (01482) 395500 Monday to Thursday 8.30am-5pm, Friday 8.30am-4:30pm. Out of hours (01482) 393939
Information Leaflets
Children and Young People's Services
Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership (DVAP) Operational Team (East Riding)
Professional and public referrals (calling about your own situation) can be made by calling 01482 396368. DVAP work in a consent-based way. They will explain their privacy policy and that information will only be shared with your consent. The exception to this rule would be if there was reason to suspect that children were at risk or there was an immediate risk of a serious criminal offence being committed in which case, they are duty bound to share information but will discuss this with you first.
The team will work with you so that you don’t face domestic abuse alone and to help make the situation safer for you.
If you are concerned for your own or someone else’s immediate safety always ring the Police on 999.
Alternatively you can ring the Police for a non-emergency on 101.
Women’s Aid NEL (supporting men and women) 01472 575757 or email
The Blue Door Domestic and Sexual Abuse Service 0800 197 4787
For children and families safeguarding concerns contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 01472 326292 Option 2 or report concerns online HERE
For adult safeguarding advice and concerns contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) on 01472 256 256
What happens if you contact North East Lincolnshire Women’s Aid?
North East Lincolnshire Women’s Aid has an online contact form and 4 lines of support all reach by dialling 01472 575757.
When you contact them they will listen to you and help you understand the options you have and a plan. Many cases are not reported to the police, however this is encouraged (see information below).
Where children are involved, North East Lincolnshire Women’s Aid will work with you to assess risk. Some people have a fear that children will be taken out of a home by children’s services, however this is very rare. Reaching out for help is more likely to reduce the risk of this happening later down the line.
The support workers recognise that situations are often much more complex than saying “just leave” and will speak with you like a real person to try to help you through your unique situation.
Find out more at
If you are concerned for your own or someone else’s immediate safety always ring the Police on 999.
Alternatively you can ring the Police for a non-emergency on 101.
Although you do not have to report the violence to the Police we would encourage this as reporting it builds a case against the perpetrator.
. . . . . a word of caution – leaving a violent and abusive relationship is often a really dangerous time. The abusers can feel they are losing the control in the relationship. This may result in the violence getting worse and you may be at higher risk – it is important you get support to leave.
Women’s Refuge 01724 289299
The Blue Door Domestic and Sexual Abuse Support service - 0800 197 4787
What happens if you contact Blue Door’s confidential helpline for North Lincolnshire?
By calling 0800 197 47 87 the team at Blue Door are there to listen and talk to you about choices. Contacting Blue Door does not mean that choices are taken away, it does not mean that have to leave your home and move to a refuge, it does not mean that the police will come around or that your children will be taken a safe place against your will.
The choice about how to move forward is yours, will be done at your pace and with your consent.
How does Blue Door support calls made to the police?
When someone calls 101 or 999 about their situation, the police control room will offer support from a specialist Blue Door worker to talk about your situation and the choices you have. This support is available out of hours, including weekends.
Clare's Law: This scheme enables the police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have. Under Clare's Law you can:
- Apply for information about your current partner because you're worried, they may have a history of abuse and are a risk to you.
- Request information about the current partner of a friend or relative because you're worried, they might be at risk.
If police checks show a record of violent behaviour, or if there is other information to indicate that someone may be at risk, the police will consider sharing this information.
To apply please click here:
If you are at risk of stalking, contact Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service 020 3866 4107 or email
Victim Support Non-Domestic Stalking Service - Advice for anyone subjected to stalking by a stranger or acquaintance: Victim Support — Stalking
National Helpline for LGBT+ Victims and Survivors of Abuse and Violence - 0800 999 5428
Childline - Help for anyone under 19 in the UK and is free, confidential and available any time, day or night. Call 0800 1111 or visit
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the UK's pioneering personal safety charity and leading authority on stalking - CLICK HERE to find out more
Men's Advice Line - Support for male victims of Domestic Abuse -