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Community Volunteering

Police Powers Scrutiny Panel


Objectively scrutinise, recognise and promote good practice, and robustly challenge how Humberside Police exercise use of some of their legal powers.  To report findings to the OPCC Independent Ethics and Scrutiny Board.


  • Identify issues, common themes and trends in the information and decision-making process, looking in particular at the impact of police decision-making on diverse and vulnerable communities.
  • Ensure the role of the OPCC is more widely understood and that public confidence is increased by providing feedback to communities about the work of the Scrutiny Group.
  • Work according to the OPCC assurance and scrutiny requirements.
  • Respect the operational independence of the Chief Constable.
  • Report their scrutiny findings and recommendations to the Independent Ethics and Scrutiny Board.
  • At all times consider ethical issues.

Decision Making:

The Group will deliver findings (via a nominated Scrutiny Volunteer Chair) to the OPCC Independent Ethics and Scrutiny Board).


Scrutiny Volunteers will serve for a minimum of two years (extendable to three years).  They are expected to serve at least one year.


The Group will be supported by the OPCC Assurance and Statutory Duties Team.  The OPCC will take notes of all meetings and a public summary provided where relevant.


The Group will not meet formally unless at least three Scrutiny Volunteers are present.

Meeting Dates:

The Group will meet at least quarterly (or more frequently for emerging issues) for a full-day.  Meetings could include small group discussions, site visits and ‘interviews’ with police officer/staff and others where appropriate.  The agenda will be generated by the OPCC and sent out at least seven days prior to any meeting.


The Chair will be nominated by the Scrutiny Volunteers annually.  The Chair will be expected to attend the relevant OPCC Independent Ethics and Scrutiny Board and provide feedback.

Data Protection:

Information used for the purpose of scrutiny will usually be anonymised of personal (or other identifiable) information unless there is a justified, proportionate and legal reason for sharing more detailed information (which will be clearly recorded).  All volunteers will undertake normal police vetting (unless there are reasons not to do so), will sign confidentiality agreements and must adhere to relevant legislation.  In respect of Body Worn Video (BWV), the Force policy is for information to be shared only with people who hold a sufficient level of vetting.


Scrutiny Volunteers will receive ‘familiarity’ training to assist them in developing their knowledge.  Humberside Police subject leads will assist with training.  The OPCC will provide regular new and updates as relevant.  Regional and national training will be considered where appropriate.


Scrutiny Volunteers (at least three to attend to be quorate) – representatives to be recruited from those affected by the use of police powers, e.g. youth and BAME communities (OPCC to develop the recruitment).

Force representatives: Leads for Stop and Search/Use of Force/Operational Support Team (OST), Force Data Lead(s).

OPCC representatives: Administrative Support.

Others to attend as required at the discretion of the nominated Chair.

All to send substitute where representative is unavailable.

Role Profile

Click here for more information on who we are looking for and how to apply

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