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Community Volunteering

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

Icv visit

Our valued custody visitors are volunteers from local communities who reside within the Humberside Police area of the East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire. They make unannounced visits (in pairs) to police custody in Hull and Grimsby, monitoring the welfare of people in detention.

Our volunteers check on conditions in custody suites, speak to detainees in police cells about their treatment and follow up any concerns raised in relation to detainee welfare and treatment.

Our custody visiting scheme is independent of the police and anyone aged 18 years and above may apply, providing that they are not employed by the police, OPCC, magistrates or solicitors (to prevent conflict of interest). Travel expenses are reimbursed and training is provided.

Custody visiting schemes are supported by ICVA, the Independent Custody Visiting Association, which is a member of the UK National Preventative Mechanism (NPM).

This video gives an overview of the work of an Independent Custody Visitor and shows the importance of their work both to the OPCC and Humberside Police. ICV's provide valuable scrutiny and oversight to enable Humberside Police to maintain their custody facilities at a high standard. 
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