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Community Volunteering

Independent Custody Scrutiny Panel

Independent members who look to scrutinise police powers used in custody settings, as well as wider issues that cannot be addressed through our custody visiting scheme


The Independent Custody Scrutiny Panel (ICSP) will be made up of local people selected from across the policing area, to represent the local communities in conversations with police officers and staff actively involved in the detention and custody environments. The ICSP will be given access to material retained by the police in order to objectively and independently review matters of disproportionality and police/detainee behaviour in the context of legislation, guidance, policy and procedure. The proportionate, lawful, appropriate and necessary implementation of police detention and custody procedures is fundamental to the trust and confidence in policing. ICSPs will provide a safe environment for the transparent objective assessments of police treatment of a detained person in the unique police detention environment.


The Board will:

• Examine disproportionality in the application of police powers in a custody setting, notably on grounds of race/protected characteristics

• Ensure partnership review and scrutiny of police detention procedures from start to finish, including appropriate use of custody data and analyse data trends relating to custody matters and ongoing annual/quarterly data analysis

• Consider wider issues where the Panel feels it could add value e.g. issues of safety and dignity

• Build trust and confidence our local communities through transparency, accountability, engagement, and understanding of Criminal Justice and custody processes. Panel members are to act as a critical friend to the Force and provide advice and guidance to improve its performance around stop and search

• Make observations and raise issues and recommendations to the OPCC and Humberside Police representatives in attendance. This feedback can then be presented to officers and supervision individually at an appropriate time. Outcomes will also be fed back through the OPCC Ethics & Scrutiny panel, which the chair of the ICSP will also attend quarterly and provide an update.

• Report back to the wider policing area in the form of a public facing annual report covering the findings of the ICSP in the preceding year. This will also feed into the OPCC annual report. This annual report will also serve as a way of measuring the panels productivity and value to the community. It will enable all parties to ensure the panel is focusing on the correct aspects in relation to custody.

Decision Making:

The Board will deliver findings (via the Independent Chair) directly to the PCC.


The Chair and Scrutiny Volunteers will serve for a minimum of two years (extendable to three years). Scrutiny Volunteers are expected to serve at least one year.


The Group will be supported by the OPCC Assurance and Statutory Duties Team. The OPCC will take notes of all meetings and a public summary provided where relevant.


The Board will not meet formally unless the Independent Chair (or suitably agreed substitute), 3 panel members and both OPCC and Humberside Police representatives are present.

Meeting Dates:

The Group will meet quarterly (or more frequently for emerging issues) for a half-day. The agenda will be generated by the OPCC (in conjunction with the Independent Chair) and sent out at least seven days prior to any meeting.


The Chair will be the Independent Chair, recruited by the OPCC. The Chair will be expected to meet regularly with the PCC and provide appropriate feedback.

Data Protection:

Information used for the purpose of scrutiny will usually be anonymised of personal (or other identifiable) information unless there is a justified, proportionate and legal reason for sharing more detailed information (which will be clearly recorded). The Independent Chair and Scrutiny Volunteers will undertake normal police vetting (unless there are reasons not to do so in respect of volunteers), will sign confidentiality agreements and must adhere to relevant legislation.


The OPCC will assist with any training and developmental needs, providing regular new information and updates as relevant.


Independent Chair (or suitably agreed substitute).

Force representatives: Custody representative as deemed appropriate

OPCC representatives: Administrative Support.

Others to attend as required at the discretion of the Independent Chair.

All to send substitutes where representatives are unavailable.

Role Profile

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