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Commissioned services

The OPCC is a commissioning office. We are responsible for managing each of the services listed below.

Our commissioning cycle involves:

  • Interpreting and ensuring implementation of current and emerging national guidance, legislation and quality standards
  • Monitoring impact and progress against agreed performance measures
  • Developing systems to bring together relevant data on finance, performance and outcomes
  • Ensuring our learning influences strategic priorities, targets and assurance processes
  • Reviewing community demand and the overall impact of services
  • Being continually ambitious in our approach and ensuring the best

The PCC will commission the following services during their term:

Flexible support for people affected by crime, ensuring service users are informed of their rights and kept up to date with case progress.

Brings those harmed by crime or conflict and those responsible for the harm into communication, enabling all affected by an incident to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward.

Hosted in the Humberside Police control room, this service provides advice to victims close to their initial contact. It offers early identification, assessment and immediate referral into support services.

Specialist support for victims of sexual assault throughout the criminal justice process, including advice on procedures, liaison with the police and CPS on behalf of the victim, attending trials and ensuring ongoing safety.

Medical and forensic assessment for sexual abuse at the request of Humberside Police and Local Authorities’ Children’s Services, supported by registered nursing staff with paediatric experience. Jointly funded with NHS England.

Based on Hessle Road, Hull, provides forensic and crisis support to the population of Humberside. The purpose of the service is to co-ordinate and simplify the pathway for victims/survivors to access wider healthcare, social care, and criminal justice processes to improve individual health and wellbeing, as well as criminal justice outcomes. Jointly funded with NHS England.

A service that will deliver crime education resources into schools across the area. Resources will include lesson plans, e-learning and teaching materials with a focus on key crime topics. 

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