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Holding the force to account

Humberside-Police-Crest-CIIIR-Full-ColourThis guidance outlines how the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) holds the Force to account.

The Policing Protocol Order 2023 outlines the statutory duty and electoral mandate of the PCC to hold the police to account on behalf of the public.

Elected by the public, the PCC holds the Force to account, making sure it delivers against the Police and Crime Plan and effectively making the police answerable to the communities it serves.

The PCC fulfils this duty in a number of ways, including at regular assurance conversations and through one-to-one briefings.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) hosts a Joint Independent Audit Committee, Accountability Board, Independent Ethics and Scrutiny Committee, and runs Independent Custody Visitors scheme.

The PCC also sets the Chief Constable's terms of employment, including his salary and annual leave entitlement in line with the Home Office’s national guidelines set out in Police Regulations.

The PCC is held to account by the Police and Crime Panel - more details HERE

In addition, the PCC also attends meetings of the Humberside Fire and Rescue Authority, which holds Humberside Fire and Rescue to account, and now participates on a formal non-voting basis. 

One of the principal ways the PCC holds the Force to account is at the Accountability Board.

Regular topics for discussion at the Accountability Board include:

  • Delivery
  • Inspections, Audits and Reviews
  • People
  • Finance
  • Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Risks
  • Current and Significant Issues

To view more information on the Accountability Board and how the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner carry out the Governance of Humberside Police CLICK HERE 

Read the Code of Corporate Governance HERE

View the latest Accountability Board Activity Schedules below

Accountability Board Activity Schedules
   April 2024 March 2024
 January 2024 November 2023 September 2023 July 2023
 May 2023 March 2023  January 2023 November 2022
 September 2022 July 2022 March 2022 January 2022
 November 2021 September 2021 July 2021 May 2021
 March 2021 January 2021 November 2020 September 2020
 July 2020 May 2020 March 2020 January 2020

If you have any questions on how the Commissioner holds the police to account on your behalf, on strategic issues of Performance, Staffing. Finance, Risks or HMIC Inspections you can contact us by email at or visit our contact page.