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VAWG events
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Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare's Law)
This scheme enables the police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have. On behalf of their clients, practitioners can apply for information about their current or ex-partner because you're worried they may have a history of abuse and are a risk to your client.
Click here to make an application
Understanding Violence Against Women and Girls in the Humber Area - June 2022
This report was commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in order to better understand the scale and impact of violence disproportionately affecting women and girls locally. Using an adapted national survey the VictimFocus team analysed the responses of over 1600 women and girls aged 16+ living in the Humber area. It is hoped that the findings in this report may be utilised by partners to help address Violence Against Women and Girls.
Click here to read the report
Resources from Partners
Violence Against Women and Girls - Bystander Briefing October 2022
This paper highlights key points and resources for implementing a Bystander campaign focused on tackling violence against women and girls in an educational setting (aged 16+)
University of Hull - Step Up Campaign
Campaign website
Download campaign image files
Harassment - The Victim's Voice video
Watch again - Online partnership launch of the Step Up Campaign
OPCC/Safer Hull 'Great Nights Out'
Professor Simon Green and Dr Nicola O’Leary, two leading victimologists based at the University of Hull, talk to bar and door staff across the city about how we can all work together to ensure women and girls are protected in the night time economy. With growing concerns about spiking drinks and syringing women, they have teamed up with Safer Hull and the Police and Crime Commissioner to help ensure we can all enjoy ‘Great Nights Out’ together. Their presentation explores the reasons behind why we all have a responsibility to look out for each other when we’re enjoying a few drinks.
Watch again - Great Nights Out presentation
Reporting, support and advice for women and girls
You Are Not Alone - Help if you are affected by Domestic Abuse
Help to Stop - If you are concerned about your own behaviour