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Launch of new service for people affected by crime

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Victim Support have launched a new service to support people affected by crime.

Affected By Crime (ABC) is a new service dedicated to helping people in the Humber region. Support is available to all victims of crime and their families regardless of whether they have reported the crime to the police. The service seeks to support people to cope and recover after crime.

For victims who choose to report, the criminal justice system can be complicated and hard to navigate. This new service can support victims through that process, as a case progresses through the police, courts and other criminal justice agencies. The Victims and Prisoners Act 2024 has brought the rights of victims into law and the ABC service will keep victims informed of these rights and help to ensure they are met.

The service is provided by Victim Support, an independent charity with 50 years’ experience in supporting people affected by crime in Humberside, as well as across the country. Victim Support’s established history in the area means the specialist team have local knowledge and expertise.

The ABC service can:

  • Help you to navigate the criminal justice system and talk to other criminal justice agencies
  • Support you to cope with what you have experienced
  • Talk to you about your safety
  • Provide you with access to useful websites and online tools
  • Answer your questions, or signpost you to someone who can

You can access support by telephone (0800 368 7586) or live chat, which can be found on the service’s website

This new service marks a significant investment by the OPCC to improve the support for people affected by crime in the region. The OPCC also commissions specialist services to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual offences, as well as a restorative justice service.

Jonathan Evison, Police and Crime Commissioner said “I have listened to victims of crime and commissioned this new service in response to what they told me are their needs and expectations after being affected by crime. Accessibility, inclusion and equality are at the heart of the new service which strengthens the local support for people affected by crime. This service is the first of its kind in our area and I am looking forward to seeing it develop.”

Debbie Harding, Area Manager at Victim Support, said: “We are thrilled to be delivering this much needed support for victims of crime in the Humber region. Our specialist service will see caseworkers who understand the local area tailoring support to people’s individual needs. We know that experiencing crime – and navigating the criminal justice system if you choose to report – can be overwhelming and often traumatic, so for many this support is a lifeline. We look forward to working with the Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver the best possible support to victims.”

Posted on Wednesday 14th August 2024