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Humberside Police remains an outstanding Force after latest inspection

HMICFRS logo 2022

Humberside Police have received three “outstanding” grades across eight areas of core policing, the highest across the country, in the latest inspection report conducted by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) which has been released today (Wednesday, 16 October).

Jonathan Evison, Police and Crime Commissioner said “It is really encouraging to see such a positive report from HMICFRS for Humberside Police. These grades reflect the continued hard work of Police Officers, Police Staff and Volunteers. My thanks go to everyone for their hard work and dedication to the public.

Humberside Police remain the highest graded Police Force in the country, and that is something I am really proud of. However, as your public representative, I know there is no room for complacency, I will continue to support and challenge the force, via the Chief Constable, to ensure continuous improvement for the public and victims.”

Humberside Police were graded ‘requires improvement’ in one area, Investigating Crime.

Commenting on this, Mr Evison said “Over the last 12 months there has been significant improvements within Humberside Police when it comes to investigating crime. To reassure the public I can say that despite the findings in this area, Humberside are one of the top performing forces for positive outcomes.”

A letter accompanied the PEEL report from HMICFRS. Mr Evison has replied to this letter, a copy of this can be viewed.

Jonathan Evison goes on to say “Over the last few months I have been focused on ensuring the continued stability of the Force on behalf of the public, and as such, I secured the interim leadership of Temporary Chief Constable Judi Heaton QPM, to ensure this outstanding performance is maintained. 

It is pleasing to see that HMICFRS have recognised the use of Humber Talking in their report, I would encourage people to sign up to My Community Alert to be a part of this if they aren’t already.”



Posted on Wednesday 16th October 2024