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Community Funding Award - Goole Lighting

4 August 2022

Community Funding Award - Goole Lighting

Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison has provided over £13,000 funding for nine security lights at South Park in Old Goole. The new lights have been installed in the play park and on the path leading to it. Before the lights were fitted the path was dark and unused by residents at night as they felt unsafe. The new lighting allows the community to access the park at all hours.

Both the park and the path will be used more often by its residents now as it provides a safe and well-lit area. The new security lighting also helps to improve the CCTV images that could be used if an incident was to ever occur.

PCC Jonathan Evison said: “I am delighted to see this work completed which will help to alleviate concerns from residents over anti-social behaviour and safety in the park, particularly in the winter months when people have felt unsafe using the park and the access paths across fields which were previously unlit. I hope this will make a difference and increase the use of what is an excellent local facility.”

Cllr David Jeffreys said: “Residents had approached us over some time to say that they felt unsafe in the evenings walking up a dark track to get the park. We spoke with the Police and Crime Commissioner at a Goole Town Council meeting and he was keen to help. We worked with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the local farmer whose land the path crosses and the funding received from the Commissioner has enabled us to install nine solar lights which will offer some extra security for the residents of Old Goole. 

Cllr Barbara Jeffreys said: “Having the park lit at night will extend the hours of use for residents and also improve the images we can capture from the CCTV should any incidents arise. We thank the Police and Crime Commissioner for funding the lighting which will benefit everyone.”

Click here for more details of the Community Safety Fund

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