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No More Knives - Educational Resources

No More KnivesNo More Knives is a campaign funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, working with a variety of partners, to educate young people about the dangers of carrying knives. 

A number of educational resources have been produced, including an e-comic with an animated version, various videos and other materials. These resources can be accessed from the links on this page.

For further information please contact our Contracts and Commissioning Officer, Tiffany at     

No More Knives e-book

No More Knives Animation

Videos (YouTube)

Knife Angel Legacy Project

Knife Angel Film with logos


KS3 and 4 Resources
KS3 and 4 Knife free role model lesson presentationKS3 Knife free lesson planKS3 Knife free resources
 KS3 Knife free lesson presentation KS4 Knife free lesson plan KS4 Knife free resources 
 KS4 Knife free lesson presentation NEW KS3 and 4 Role models lesson plan NEW Role models resources